Second-hand and
new equipment
for stoneprocessing

 Manufacturing diamond tools since 1988
CJSC Novator invites shops, trading and manufacturing companies, аnd also construction firms to cooperation.

CJSC Novator offers to review next possible ways of work:
1. Prepaid 100% for tools (discount system);
2. Delay in payment 30 days;
3. Giving tools for comission with the trade margin 20 (only for Kiev);
4. Prepaid 100%. In case of normal work during 6 months it is possible giving tools for comission.

At the present time more then 20 shops
of Kiev and Ukraine are selling our tools.

Don't loose your chance!

Your offers:

Or contact us by our phones in Kiev:
+38 044 4268877
+38 044 4307404

Украинская баннерная сеть
CJSC Novator - Verbovaja str., 8-a, Kiev, 04073, Ukraine
tel +38 044 4268877 - tel/fax +38 044 4307404 -
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